Monday, December 31, 2012

Failure and other Detours

 aka  What I did instead of writing this blog for the last year and a half:

Took a HUGE step toward becoming a Trophy Wife ~ Quit my job

Slept in till Noon


Signed up with a gym. Did not go to said gym.

Stopped dying my hair

Decided to pursue my Photography dream.. discovered that loving hair, makeup, clothes, and stylized photo shoots does not make you good at marketing, website design, or any other aspects of running a real business. 

Quit World of Warcraft {hereafter referred to as WoW}

Became addicted to Yoga

Learned about “Dressing my Truth” {I’m a type 2} and started to change the contents of my closet accordingly

Quit Yoga

Craved WoW

Had the life changing honor of participating in my niece’s birth {thanks sis for including me in this epic moment!}

Searched for a less money and time consuming replacement for WoW ~ attempted the following with varied results: Zelda, Tiny Tower, Portal, Minecraft, Final Fantasy XIII, Assassin's Creed

Quit Facebook {not the literal cancelling of my account, but simply ignoring it and hoping that it will go away}

Found that jobless = money-less

Started work in insurance

Screamed my head off parasailing!!

Craved WoW

Joined a book club via google+  {Vaginal Fantasy anyone?}

Discovered a passion for Steampunk, began crafting my epic costume, and writing a short bio for my steampunk alter ego. 
{Meet the Bar owner and collector of badass guns, Vivien Grey}

Became obsessed with Absinthe.

Joined dōTerra® and quickly became addicted to essential oils. htt;//

Watched Dr. Who and cried at each regeneration. I'm officially a fan girl now. {I cried. A lot.}

Decided to re-commit to Life, Blogging and the pursuit of Trophiness

Yes, this means I’m back, and you will again be able to follow my misadventures here at Amateur Trophy Wife

{sorry for all the links.. I couldn't help myself}