Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Step Four: Resolutions

I should start off by mentioning that I have only once in my life kept a New Year's resolution. I gave up soda in 2005. Yes. You read that right. It has been 8 years since I have successfully created or broken a habit. Normally around this time I make a long list of resolutions. The idea being that I can cross things off as I fail and {halfheartedly} try to work on the rest of the list. However; thinking back to my one successful year.. The year I actually kept with it.. That year I only had one resolution. Maybe I should try that again.

Here is my long list {13 items for 2013}. I will try to pick just one from it.

  1. Figure out how long it actually takes me to get ready in the mornings. Count backwards from leaving time and add 15 min. Wake up at this time Get out of bed at this time every work day.
  2. Write at least once a week. Write my blog, NaNoWriMo camp, or even personal letters. Just write.
  3. Use the Brazilian Bum Bum dvds I got for my birthday at least once a week. {try not to whine too much for the rest of the week about how sore I am}
  4. Learn to shoot left handed or to aim right eyed.
  5. Learn to like Pizza. Probably just the basic pepperoni kind because learning to like peppers or mushrooms is way to much to expect out of one year. 
  6. Finish a project from my project basket. {Probably one of the crocheting ones since the embroidery is sooo excessively boring and looks like a 6 year old did it} 
  7. Finish my video games. I'm roughly half way through Harvest Moon, Portal, Final Fantasy, and Assassin's Creed II. {I skipped the original Assassin's Creed. Don't judge. You can't swim in that one}
  8. Communicate with friends more regularly instead of non-stop for a few weeks and then nothing for a couple of months.
  9. Become more domestic by cooking at least one dinner a week. 
  10. Learn to play the piano. It has always been a dream of mine.. I wonder if the 5 year old beginner classes will mind someone 20 years older than them joining.
  11. Get my beautiful {$10} snake ring re-made with black diamonds and tanzanite.
  12. Be the subject instead of the photographer in a photo shoot.
  13. Start a savings account/jar/pig for going back to school. I got my MRS degree time to go back for my Trophy degree. 

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