Monday, February 7, 2011

Step One: Wife

I can check off one of the most  important steps right now.
I am a wife, the better half, ball and chain, missus, wifey, partner, etc.

I didn't marry someone embarrassingly rich or significantly older than me. I married my high school sweetheart.

I didn't increase his social status and he did nothing for my bank account. I suppose this could be considered a step in the wrong direction. I should have married someone who was already established in a career and who's credit card had no max. It would be easier to be a trophy with a stream of money and only cocktail parties to plan, but here I am; married to my not-quite-perfect Hubby and working full time. As of now, there are no cocktails and no weekly pedicures. But everyone has to start somewhere.

*Photo by the amazing Dustin Bradbury

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